As you may remember from my last post on the subject, I fixed a couple of cheap Altera USB Blaster clones in June. I found improved open-source firmware and ported it to the previously useless CH552G-based one while fixing a bug in the process, and I soldered a slower 12 MHz oscillator into the Waveshare FT245+CPLD blaster which magically made it start working reliably in Linux.

Because I don’t know how to let things go, not to mention I find this topic interesting to write about, I bought some more cheap USB Blaster clones on AliExpress. The cheaper one ($2.45) ended up being another CH552G-based one identical to the previous one I got on Amazon, right down to the Windows BSOD problem with the stock firmware. That problem is now easy to fix by reflashing it with the open-source firmware I ported.

The slightly more expensive device ($9.34) was an FTDI+CPLD design with a completely different PCB and enclosure from the Waveshare one. The label on the front says it’s a model KRZV-REV. C. It still uses an Intel/Altera EPM3064ATC44-10 CPLD, exactly like the Waveshare. The pin mapping on the CPLD isn’t the same though.

It had pretty much the same problem the Waveshare model had, though: it worked fine in Windows, but in Linux it gave me random results. It mostly didn’t work at all. I could occasionally get it to do something successfully if I tried enough times. Also, it would fail Quartus Programmer’s JTAG Chain Debugger tests, just like the Waveshare, with “Uncertain JTAG chain” warnings.

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Sometime back in 2018, I tried out a fresh install of Ubuntu MATE 18.04 on one of my computers and noticed a strange problem when I attempted to install Google Chrome. I clicked the little Firefox icon in the top panel:

Then I downloaded the latest Chrome .deb from Google and opened it up from inside of Firefox:

At this point, GDebi popped up giving me the option to install it. Everything seemed totally normal so far.

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Way back in part 2 of this series, I first got my Chumby 8 booting into a newer Linux kernel. (Here are links to parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 if you want to read the rest of the saga). At that point early on in the project, I had to get the UART driver working. I didn’t spend much time talking about the UART in that post, but it actually gave me a small challenge that I recently had to revisit. I thought it would be fun to tell the full story of the UART struggles I ran into.

When I was first figuring out how to configure my new kernel, I noticed that the pxa168.dtsi file included in the mainline kernel already had the UARTs added. They each had two compatible strings, in order of priority: mrvl,mmp-uart and intel,xscale-uart. This makes sense because Intel’s XScale architecture was used for many things including the PXA series. Then the PXA series was sold to Marvell in 2006, who later designed the PXA16x processor used in the Chumby 8.

Searching through the kernel sources, there were actually three drivers that reference the mrvl,mmp-uart compatible string: 8250_pxa, 8250_of, and the deprecated pxa driver. I originally tried out 8250_pxa, but I ran into a problem with it. During large transmits, for example when typing “dmesg” after the kernel booted, it would drop a ton of characters. Here’s a small excerpt of a modern recreation of the issue in a newer kernel:

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